Contact us
Can't find the answer to your question on our website? Contact us.
As a professional order, the Barreau du Québec does not give legal opinions. Only lawyers can do so.
Moreover, the Barreau does not refer any lawyers.
Info-Barreau is the gateway to the Barreau du Québec and will answer your questions or provide any additional information you require.
514-954-3411 or toll-free at 1-844-954-3411
On Fridays between June 24 and Labour Day, the Info-Barreau service stops at noon.
A Barreau representative is available Monday to Friday to answer your questions and direct you to the right place.
Contact details and opening hours
Maison du Barreau
445, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 3T8
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Consult the directory
Locate a will or protection mandate
Make an application for access to information
Clinique juridique du Barreau du Québec
Technical problems? Contact us
If you've been arrested
Urgence Avocat (criminel)

1 866 666-0011
- Type: legal counsel
- Area of law: criminal law
Free legal consultation over the phone in the event of an arrest.
This service is accessible around the clock, seven days a week. A lawyer is readily available to respond to calls in every region of Québec.
Urgence Avocat (immigration)

1 866 954-3525
- Type: legal counsel
- Area of law: immigration law
Any individual arrested at the point of entry into Canada is entitled to prompt legal support from a lawyer. The Barreau du Québec offers free legal consultations to the public over the phone.
This service is accessible around the clock, seven days a week.
Urgence Avocat (youth)

514 954-3500
- Type: legal counsel
- Area of law: youth law / juvenile delinquency
Any minor (under 18 years old) apprehended is entitled to prompt legal representation. The Barreau du Québec extends a complimentary legal phone consultation service specifically tailored for minors. This on-call system is tailored to meet the specific needs of young individuals, connecting them with lawyers well versed in youth law.
This service is accessible around the clock, seven days a week.
Other contact information
Criminal law information line

1 888 954-9447
- Type: legal information
- Area of law: criminal law
This legal information line is available to accused individuals who are not represented by a lawyer and are not eligible for legal aid. Provided at no cost, this service connects the accused individuals with volunteer criminal lawyers who will help them gain a better understanding of the criminal and penal justice system.
The use of this information line is limited to one interaction per case. This service is available across the province of Québec, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Landlord and tenant information line

1 844 227-3790
- Type: legal counsel
- Area of law: landlord/tenant law
This service enables Québec’s landlords and tenants to have a fifteen-minute telephone conversation with a lawyer specialized in landlord/tenant law. After this free consultation, the landlords/tenants may retain or not the consulted lawyer to handle their case.
This service is accessible Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and is closed on public holidays, as well as on Saturdays and Sundays.
Indigenous Access Line

1 855 394-3535
- Type: application for investigation, complaint, intervention, information request, fee contestation
- Area of law: lawyers’ ethical obligations
If you are a member of an Indigenous community and have questions about the work of a member of the Barreau, this Access Line allows you to speak with a dedicated person at the Office of the Syndic to obtain information about the work of lawyers in general or about the legal services you have received.
This service is accessible Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on business days only.
You are a lawyer and have a question about the rules of ethics and professional conduct? Call us for one-time support, for practical situations, an ethics emergency or any other issues related to your practice.
- Info-Déonto (only for lawyers)
- 1 844 954-3420
You are a lawyer or trainee and would like to report on the acts and situations of sexual harassment you have experienced or witnessed within the profession? The Harassment Info-Line provides a discreet and solution-oriented whistle-blowing environment to help put an end to these unacceptable situations.
Harassment Info-Line (only for lawyers and trainees)
1 888 954-1222