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30928 results

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Blouin, René Québec Québec Canada
Shinder, Michael Emanuel
Retired advocate
Montréal-Ouest Québec Canada
Simard, Françoise
Retired advocate
Brossard Québec Canada
Millen, Gordon Sorel-Tracy Québec Canada
Hantzis, Bill
Retired advocate
Saint-Laurent Québec Canada
Dupuis, Nathalie Saint-Lambert Québec Canada
Lynch, Bernard Sept-Iles Québec Canada
Simard, Diane Mascouche Québec Canada
Caron, Guylaine Verdun Québec Canada
Carignan, France La Prairie Québec Canada
Cerretti, Liliana
Retired advocate
Gatineau Québec Canada
Ducharme, Michèle
Retired advocate
OTTAWA Ontario Canada
Guy, Jean-François Brossard Québec Canada
Lenzi, Ines
Retired advocate
Montréal Québec Canada
Cazes, Louis Lévis Québec Canada
Brabant, Brigitte Montréal Québec Canada
Samson, Benoit
Avocat à la retraite
Montréal Québec Canada
Neofotistos, Stavroula Saint-Laurent Québec Canada
Orleski, Gregory M. C. Beaconsfield Quebec Canada
D'Orsonnens, Yvan
Retired advocate
Terrebonne Québec Canada
Lancry, Alain Westmount Québec Canada
Ralston, Rachel Anne
Retired advocate
Ottawa Ontario Canada
Rathé, Sylvain
Retired advocate
Saint-Philippe Québec Canada
Lamarche, Sylvain Laval Quebec Canada
Brulotte, Claude Victoriaville Québec Canada


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