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30566 results

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Soussan, Karen Mont-Royal Québec Canada
Deschênes, Cécile
Retired advocate
Knowlton Québec Canada
Bourgeois, Pierre
Retired advocate
Laval Québec Canada
Cloutier, Sylvie
Retired advocate
Sainte-Marie Québec Canada
Forest, Martyne Isabelle Saint-Bruno Québec Canada
Marchand, Geneviève Saint-Laurent Québec Canada
Deschênes, Manon Saint-Damien Québec Canada
Lechter, Catherine Hampstead Québec Canada
Alvarado, Pilar Del Carmen Calgary Alberta Canada
Rancourt, Nathalie
Retired advocate
Blainville Québec Canada
Sonnenschein, Solomon Montréal Québec Canada
Poirier, Jean-François Montréal Québec Canada
Dufour, Hélène
Retired advocate
Neuville Québec Canada
Bernatchez, Geneviève
Lapommeray, Irma
Retired advocate
Beaconsfield Quebec Canada
Dubé, Geneviève Verdun Québec Canada
Bergeron, Patrice Montréal Québec Canada
Bouchard, Louise V. Repentigny Québec Canada
Fortin, André
Retired advocate
Lévis Québec Canada
Bouchoutsos, Georgia Houston Texas États-Unis
Morantz, Cindy A.
Retired advocate
Westmount Québec Canada
Malone, Charles Edward Ottawa Ontario Canada
Trépanier, Annette Windsor Ontario Canada
Taddeo, François Montréal Québec Canada
Jerassy, Evelyn Westmount Québec Canada


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