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Montréal Québec Canada | Étude légale Zikovsky Law Office | |
Montréal Québec Canada | ||
Montréal Québec Canada | ||
Montréal Québec Canada | Valeurs mobilières Desjardins inc. | |
Montréal Québec Canada | Fasken Martineau DuMoulin SENCRL, s.r.l. | |
Montréal Québec Canada | ||
Saint-Constant Québec Canada | ||
Montréal Québec Canada | DLA Piper | |
Montréal Québec Canada | Paysafe | |
Gatineau Québec Canada | Section d'entraide internationale | |
Montréal Québec Canada | Fasken Martineau DuMoulin SENCRL, s.r.l. | |
Kirkland Québec Canada | ||
Laval Québec Canada | ||
Foreign legal consultant
Montréal Québec Canada | Vialto Associés s.e.n.c.r.l |
Distinction between « Practising advocate » and « Foreign legal consultant » The Foreign legal consultant may use the prefix “Me” or “Mtre” before his name provided it is followed by the title “foreign legal consultant” or the initials “f.l.c.” and a reference to the State where he is legally authorized to practise law. He may give legal advice and consultations on legal matters involving the law of the State where he is legally authorized to practise law or involving matters under public international law, but he may not plead before a tribunal. Please contact the Barreau du Québec at to know the State where this Foreign legal consultant is legally authorized to practise law and for more details on the restrictions that apply to this type of permit.
Lasalle Québec Canada | ||
Gatineau Québec Canada | ||
Québec Quebec Canada | Tribunal administratif du travail | |
Montréal Québec Canada | Ministère de la Justice Canada | |
Montréal Québec Canada | Levy Salis s.e.n.c.r.l. | |
Toronto Ontario Canada | ||
Montréal Québec Canada | Gasco Goodhue St-Germain s.e.n.c.r.l. | |
Vancouver British-Columbia Canada | Juristes Power Law | |
Montréal Québec Canada | Norton Rose Fulbright Canada S.E.N.C.R.L.,s.r.l. | |
Montréal Québec Canada | LPC Avocat inc. | |
Saint-Laurent Québec Canada | Marco Zuliani Avocat |
The contact details displayed in the Find a Lawyer tool are those provided to the Barreau by the members, who have the obligation to ensure validity of their information.