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T Labrosse, Maxime Westmount Québec Canada Revay et associés limitée
Mourdoukoutas, Theodora Westmount Québec Canada Devine Schachter Polak
Shelkovsky, Natalie Westmount Québec Canada Goldwater, Dubé
Thibault, Alexandre Westmount Québec Canada IMK S.E.N.C.R.L/IMK L.L.P.
Boretsky, Francesca Westmount Québec Canada
Beauchemin, Antoine Westmount Québec Canada Leiter Rahme Avocats Inc.
Marchisio, Giacomo Westmount Québec Canada IMK S.E.N.C.R.L/IMK L.L.P.
Miron, Émilien Fernand Rémy Westmount Québec Canada Segal Santillo s.e.n.c.
Port, Lauren Westmount Québec Canada Sheahan s.e.n.c.r.l.
Morissette, Etienne Westmount Québec Canada Fournier Avocat inc.
Jebailey, Antonio Westmount Québec Canada SMS Légal S.E.N.C.
Couture, Mathilde Westmount Québec Canada IMK S.E.N.C.R.L/IMK L.L.P.
Annunzi, Vanessa Westmount Québec Canada Goldwater, Dubé
Elbaz, Eden Westmount Québec Canada Cohen Immigration Law
Poirier, Camille Westmount Québec Canada Lachkar Lalande s.e.n.c.r.l.
Silver, Matthew Adam
Foreign legal consultant
Westmount Québec Canada
Billard, Melany Westmount Québec Canada Kliger Ettedgui Legal inc.
Michelin, Jessica Westmount Québec Canada IMK s.e.n.c.r.l./LLP
McCamus, Régina Westmount Québec Canada Gutkin Vincent Dumas s.e.n.c.r.l.
Tremblay, Romy Westmount Québec Canada Pure Industriel
Lyonnais, Marie-Hélène Westmount Québec Canada IMK S.E.N.C.R.L/IMK L.L.P.
Marcelin, Bianca Annie Westmount Québec Canada IMK S.E.N.C.R.L/IMK L.L.P.
Haket, Raphaëlle Westmount Québec Canada Choueke Hollander s.e.n.c.r.l.
Estrada, Laura Gabriela Westmount Québec Canada Feldman Avocats Inc.
Backman, Samantha Westmount Québec Canada Sheahan s.e.n.c.r.l.


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